Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Training With the Weather and a Cool Snow Hill I Built for My Son

Not quite that bad this year but close!!!!!
The wonderful months of winter in the Northeast?  I have lived in the northeast of the United States my entire life I grew up in New Jersey moved to Massachusetts half way through High School, went to prep school in Maine than college in Connecticut and now I am settled back in Massachusetts.  So I am used to my full 4 seasons.
We have received a lot of snow fall over the past week, that combined with my parents getting their big house ready for sale and helping 2 other friends move into their condo I have been busy with some physical stuff outside of training.
Because of that I have cut back on my actual training, shoveling snow and moving old heavy awkward objects can defiantly be a workout.  Besides a little lower back pain from so much activity I am defiantly benefiting from relaxing on the training.
This is more important than people realize, if I tried to work out the days of these snow storms and even big moving ordeals not only could my form suffer from already working my muscles and risk injury I just could not give it all my energy. 
So I am trying to get wiser as my years pass, right now I am just training for me not a competition or sport so I just mark these events as training days and make sure I recover well before hitting the gym.
When you do not have a snow blower and have to clear a huge deck along with the drive way, believe me that is a workout.  The past two snows have left me wiped out after shoveling.  But I will tell you what, I have a son who is almost 3 and that makes the snow fun again.  Check out the video below and the hill I made off the back stair case of my deck.
The neighbors were over and not only did the kids enjoy it but us adults took a few trips as well.  Just some more evidence on why you should keep yourself in shape for your kids.  It took some extra effort for sure but not only was I building something cool for my son I was getting in one hell of a workout.
Check it out

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Comeback Mode Is In Full Effect

A couple blog posts ago I went into a little bit of how disappointed I am in myself for not staying on top of my physical condition, and I mean every aspect of it strength, conditioning, eating etc…  So from this point on I am going to post all of my workouts so you can see how I get back on track.
This way I can show exactly how I progress and how you can as well if you are in a slump or just need a fresh start.
Right now I plan to do all my sessions in my basement, convenience is one reason the other reason is I do not have a lot to work with down there and will have to focus on mostly body weight exercises.  I believe this to be one of the best way to get back into the swing of things.  I need to build up that force field of core strength that everyone needs before the get into the real heavy stuff. 
Now I understand that these videos and posts may not be as impressive as the 300 pound overhead presses or 800 pound squats.  But, I do feel that you can learn a lot more from what I will show you.
Most people who post videos of themselves training want to wait until they are real strong so they can show off to everyone.  The look at me guys, you know the type.  That is not what lifting should be about for me it is to be strong for myself because it feels damn good and my family so I can protect them or get them out of a bad situation fast.
I also want YOU to be strong. 
All the workouts I have done are the same week to week, the only thing that changes are the reps or weights.  All going up of course.
Below is the intro followed by the breakdown of the workout with links to YouTube for a video of the exercise I am performing.  Let me know what you think enjoy.  As I go along these will get better and better I promise, super new to this and will only get better.

A1. Blast Strap Push Ups - 13 x 10 x 9 (32) = total reps
Pull Ups * (I did each set of pull ups right after every set throughout the entire session)
3 sets 2 x 1 x 1
A2.  Lunges w/ Kettle Bells - 11 x 7 x 7 (25)
Pull Ups 1 x 1 x 1
B1.  Rear Lateral Raises 5lbs – 11 x 10 x 9 (30)
Pull Ups 1 x 1 x 1
B2.  Squats w/ Kettle Bells – 8 x 10 x 11 (29)
Pull Ups 1 x 1 x 1
C1.  Russian Twist 45lb Plate – 18 x 14 x 14
Pull Ups 1 x 1 x 1
C2.  Pinch Farmers Walks 20lbs each hand x 6 trips, 30lbs each hand 4 x 4
Pull Ups 1 x 1 x 1 (19)

Stay Strong and Stay Tuned

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


With the new year now here the fitness craze is in full effect, I was in BJ’s last week and all of the vitamins, weight loss pills and exercise equipment was right up front ready to be sold.  Every year it is the same thing gyms get packed people start their fad diets and barely last a month.

First off there is no reason to wait until the New Year to get started on your resolution.  When it comes down to it isn’t it just another day, in fact my dad calls New Years Eve amateur night. 

But besides that I saw a Planet Fitness commercial that made me sick, here it is below if you have not already seen it check it out.

No matter how dumb they portray the bodybuilder to be he had to work hard to get the muscles and physique that he has.  Are they trying to say everyone with muscles is stupid or something.  Are bodybuilders are going point and laugh at you because you are not as strong or skinny as them. 

Everyone has to start from somewhere, and everyone was weak or fat at some point of their life.  In my opinion atmosphere has a huge affect on your training, if you are surrounded by a bunch of fat weak people where is the motivation?

On the other hand if you see big freaks like that in your gym it should be motivating to you.  Can they be intimidating?  Sure they can but they earned that intimidation through years of hard work.

It is like these gyms just want everyone to stay the same, you can’t let out a scream if you need to because the alarm will go off.  You probably are not even allowed to sweat in fear of too much strain on your body.

This all comes back to the pussification of America, it is sad but true. 

It is said in all aspects of life to surround yourself with good people and learn from the best in the particular field you want to pursue.  If you are looking to get into good shape I can be pretty sure these types of gyms are not the place for you.

I had to let that one out because of how pathetic I thought that commercial was.

Stay tuned for my comeback series where I show you how I am getting back at it starting in my own basement.  I have a bunch of video already shot but am having major problems with the editing software.

Til then Stay Strong.