Thursday, December 9, 2010


Whats Up Guys,

Busy, Busy , Busy, who isn’t busy I know I am, right now I am working to start my own training business I am still working my 9-5 and I have 2 boys one is almost 3 and the other is 2 months.  Busy is an understatement, for instance it is football season right now and people ask questions or talk football and sometimes I have no idea what or who they are talking about.  A couple years ago this was not the case, I still watch on Sunday and know who won games but I am not as consumed.  I cannot be.
But that is alright because this means I am doing something, but there are always things that cannot be neglected the same way football stats can.  I am talking about my physical condition and health.  Basically anything from March of this year on training wise has been a train wreck, I hurt my shoulder, and my wife was pregnant and other useless excuses came into play.
And none of them were valid, no excuse ever is and you know it every time one pops into your head.  Bottom line I have been pissed at myself for falling into this rut.  So my shoulder was hurting but my legs were fine, I could squat, run, jump etc…. but I didn’t.  So my wife had a tough pregnancy I still have arms and legs, what else do you need to train?  Put your hands in the ground and do some and do some damn pushups that would have kept me strong and those can be done ANYWHERE.
Well it is time for that to end, I am going to take you with me on my comeback.  This way you can see how I get back in the swing of things and you will also see how I train with little time and sometimes minimal equipment.  Hopefully you can learn some things here because that is my goal. 
I never thought I would end up in this rut but I did and it is time to climb out, these things can happen we just have to make sure we catch ourselves before it gets too tough. 
Below is an example of some of the things I do with little time, the video is real chopped up to keep the length down but you will get the picture.

That was a recovery/cardio work out for me I got the blood flowing, muscles stretched and I was able to play with my son.  Stay tuned for more.

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